
Dress for Success: How to Style a Pencil Skirt

woman wearing red pencil skirt and tan sweater
woman wearing red pencil skirt and tan sweater
woman wearing red pencil skirt and tan sweater
woman wearing red pencil skirt and tan sweater
woman wearing red pencil skirt and tan sweater

Get the Look:

Recently I’ve been wearing more smart casual than business casual to work. If I’m being totally honest, I’ve gotten pretty lazy with my work wardrobe and the thought of putting a ‘real’ outfit together has sounded more like a chore than a hobby. Throwing on a pair of pants and a sweater has been way more appealing than taking the time to put together a skirt and top and having to tuck it in – yep just saying all these steps is making me tired.

The Pencil Skirt Effect

But recently we had a 60 degree day hit and I knew I had to bust out a skirt before the winter apocalypse. I chose to pair a red skirt with a camel colored cashmere sweater, nude heels, and a leopard clutch. Let me tell you I felt like a changed woman. I was serving up sass, confidence, fierceness – (*cue the Jonathan Van Ness voice*) YAAAS QUEEN! I hadn’t felt this way walking into work in forever. It felt so good to have my groove back. It is amazing how much your clothes can impact how you feel about yourself and even the outcome of your day. In fact, this realization was a subtle reminder of why I started this blog.

A Bit of Reflection

Take Note was created to inspire confidence in women through professional workwear. I’ve experienced the power of a beautifully curated work wardrobe firsthand. A well-tailored pencil skirt can change your demeanor in a meeting, a bold yellow top can change your mood and the perceptions of others, and a good pair of pumps can change your self image. This is the value of fashion. It can bring out the best in you if you let it. Taking the time to thoughtfully craft an outfit isn’t an act of vanity, but an act of self-care – because you are worth it! You deserve to own the boardroom, you deserve to be taken seriously by men in your profession, you deserve to feel good about yourself in your own skin.



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